
The modal store will display your own components as modal dialogs.

Import and add the ModalContainer in your App.vue:

import { ModalContainer } from "vue-haystack";
    <router-view />
    <ModalContainer />

Creating a modal

You will need to write your own modal components, as a very simple example (MyModalComponent.vue):

  <div style="padding: 2rem; background-color: white">My modal content</div>

From withing a modal, you can call useModal() that provides a close function. This also allows you to pass data if needed.

import { useModal } from "vue-haystack";

const modal = useModal();
// with data
modal.close({ foo: "bar" });
// you can explicitely type the data (this does not affect `onClose` unfortunately)
modal.close<{ foo: string }>({ foo: "bar" });

Showing a modal

import { useModalStore } from "vue-haystack";
import MyModalComponent from "./MyModalComponent.vue";


push allows you to pass props, event listeners and modal options, here is a full example:

  { foo: "bar" }, // props
  { log: (text: string) => console.log(text) }, // listeners
  { closeOnOverlayClick: true }, // options

push also returns an object with an onClose function to react to close events. If using typescript, set the generic type onClose so the data parameter is properly typed.

modalStore.push(MyModalComponent).onClose<MyDataType>((data) => {
  if (data === undefined) {
    // data will be undefined if the modal is closed without data, e.g. when it is closed by clicking the overlay


The model store will display the modal centered and with an overlay. The default overlay can be customized using the overlay slot.

  <template #overlay>
    <div style="width: 100%; height: 100%; background-color: red;"></div>

You can also customize the component rendering. This is a bit more complicated but is rarely necessary. The default

  <template #default="{modal, activeModal}">
      v-show=" === activeModal?.id"

If you need more control (e.g. for animations), you can always implement your own ModalContainer. The default component is relatively simple and can be used as templateopen in new window.