
Once you have extracted your messages and compiled a .json file, you are ready to set up the gettext plugin in your main.ts/main.js:

import { createGettext } from "vue3-gettext";
import translations from "./language/translations.json";

const gettext = createGettext({
  availableLanguages: {
    en: "English",
    de: "Deutsch",
  defaultLanguage: "en",
  translations: translations,

const app = createApp(App);

All the available options can be found in the GetTextOptions type, these are the default values:

  availableLanguages: { en: "English" },
  defaultLanguage: "en",
  mutedLanguages: [],
  silent: false,
  translations: {},
  setGlobalProperties: true,
  globalProperties: { // custom global properties name
    language: ['$language'],   // the plugin instance
    gettext: ['$gettext'],     // ['$gettext', '__']
    pgettext: ['$pgettext'],   // ['$pgettext', '_n']
    ngettext: ['$ngettext'],   // ['$ngettext','_x']
    npgettext: ['$npgettext'], // ['$npgettext', '_nx']
    interpolate: ['$gettextInterpolate'],// deprecated
  provideDirective: true,
  provideComponent: true,


Using gettext functions outside of components

If you need to have plain typescript/javascript files that must access gettext, you may simple move and export gettext from a separate file:


export default createGettext({

Then import and use the functions:

import gettext from "./gettext";

const { $gettext } = gettext;

const myTest = $gettext("My translation message");